利用統計 www.iforum.jp

統計期間: June 2024
作成日時 02-Jul-2024 03:38 JST

[日ごとの統計] [時間ごとの統計] [URL] [エントリー] [Exit] [サイト] [リファラー] [検索文字列] [エージェント] [国]

月の統計 June 2024
全ヒット数 517034
全ファイル数 501759
合計 Pages 493112
合計 Visits 9711
全 KBytes数 6983662
個別サイト数 2800
個別URL数 840
個別リファラー数 133
個別ユーザエージェント数 1259
. 平均 最大
一時間あたりのヒット数 718 1387
一日あたりのヒット数 17234 19973
一日あたりのファイル数 16725 19492
一日あたりのページ数 16437 19083
Sites per Day 93 312
一日あたりの訪問者数 323 446
一日あたりのKBytes数 232789 331182
Code 200 - OK 97.05% 501759
Code 206 - Partial Content 0.04% 208
Code 304 - Not Modified 0.45% 2318
Code 403 - Forbidden 0.13% 684
Code 404 - Not Found 2.33% 12065

Daily usage for June 2024

日ごとの統計 June 2024
Hits Files Pages Visits Sites KBytes
1 17083 3.30% 16620 3.31% 16288 3.30% 392 4.04% 228 8.14% 201233 2.88%
2 16058 3.11% 15600 3.11% 15293 3.10% 331 3.41% 210 7.50% 174509 2.50%
3 16211 3.14% 15631 3.12% 15220 3.09% 308 3.17% 225 8.04% 176403 2.53%
4 16071 3.11% 15617 3.11% 15267 3.10% 363 3.74% 229 8.18% 201921 2.89%
5 15974 3.09% 15517 3.09% 15132 3.07% 403 4.15% 230 8.21% 194578 2.79%
6 16425 3.18% 15961 3.18% 15602 3.16% 385 3.96% 239 8.54% 230176 3.30%
7 16257 3.14% 15790 3.15% 15444 3.13% 343 3.53% 244 8.71% 210888 3.02%
8 16318 3.16% 15862 3.16% 15555 3.15% 432 4.45% 300 10.71% 211087 3.02%
9 16518 3.19% 16092 3.21% 15784 3.20% 396 4.08% 281 10.04% 224268 3.21%
10 15956 3.09% 15484 3.09% 15049 3.05% 411 4.23% 312 11.14% 201088 2.88%
11 17094 3.31% 16660 3.32% 16501 3.35% 377 3.88% 244 8.71% 217025 3.11%
12 17373 3.36% 16887 3.37% 16593 3.36% 431 4.44% 281 10.04% 306144 4.38%
13 17337 3.35% 16873 3.36% 16491 3.34% 446 4.59% 262 9.36% 223643 3.20%
14 16961 3.28% 16475 3.28% 16148 3.27% 420 4.32% 243 8.68% 204980 2.94%
15 17162 3.32% 16550 3.30% 16245 3.29% 341 3.51% 205 7.32% 199520 2.86%
16 17166 3.32% 16689 3.33% 16341 3.31% 352 3.62% 223 7.96% 254110 3.64%
17 17232 3.33% 16746 3.34% 16455 3.34% 340 3.50% 220 7.86% 203411 2.91%
18 11492 2.22% 11018 2.20% 10777 2.19% 365 3.76% 199 7.11% 121510 1.74%
19 14422 2.79% 14013 2.79% 13787 2.80% 328 3.38% 169 6.04% 162374 2.33%
20 17023 3.29% 16560 3.30% 16410 3.33% 292 3.01% 193 6.89% 207779 2.98%
21 17615 3.41% 17049 3.40% 16831 3.41% 354 3.65% 251 8.96% 212424 3.04%
22 18348 3.55% 17870 3.56% 17543 3.56% 353 3.64% 238 8.50% 298990 4.28%
23 18906 3.66% 18065 3.60% 18115 3.67% 316 3.25% 233 8.32% 228237 3.27%
24 19085 3.69% 18511 3.69% 18275 3.71% 298 3.07% 217 7.75% 264115 3.78%
25 19973 3.86% 19492 3.88% 19037 3.86% 324 3.34% 207 7.39% 331182 4.74%
26 19832 3.84% 19350 3.86% 18974 3.85% 349 3.59% 233 8.32% 326465 4.67%
27 19478 3.77% 18571 3.70% 18668 3.79% 337 3.47% 244 8.71% 329398 4.72%
28 19139 3.70% 18620 3.71% 18263 3.70% 364 3.75% 242 8.64% 319409 4.57%
29 19790 3.83% 19317 3.85% 19083 3.87% 319 3.28% 236 8.43% 316800 4.54%
30 18735 3.62% 18269 3.64% 17941 3.64% 307 3.16% 206 7.36% 229995 3.29%

Hourly usage for June 2024

時間ごとの統計 June 2024
Hits Files Pages KBytes
平均 合計 平均 合計 平均 合計 平均 合計
0 722 21675 4.19% 688 20664 4.12% 690 20728 4.20% 8776 263275 3.77%
1 701 21056 4.07% 683 20505 4.09% 674 20245 4.11% 8476 254293 3.64%
2 703 21115 4.08% 683 20512 4.09% 673 20207 4.10% 9017 270522 3.87%
3 702 21076 4.08% 683 20490 4.08% 675 20254 4.11% 8956 268684 3.85%
4 725 21756 4.21% 704 21132 4.21% 690 20715 4.20% 12066 361994 5.18%
5 713 21401 4.14% 692 20771 4.14% 683 20504 4.16% 9404 282113 4.04%
6 738 22147 4.28% 708 21245 4.23% 695 20857 4.23% 9080 272406 3.90%
7 745 22352 4.32% 724 21736 4.33% 701 21059 4.27% 12453 373599 5.35%
8 748 22469 4.35% 723 21707 4.33% 709 21297 4.32% 11345 340350 4.87%
9 739 22176 4.29% 718 21550 4.29% 700 21002 4.26% 10782 323468 4.63%
10 736 22101 4.27% 715 21477 4.28% 699 20999 4.26% 10898 326937 4.68%
11 727 21810 4.22% 708 21250 4.24% 699 20977 4.25% 10375 311258 4.46%
12 733 22009 4.26% 713 21410 4.27% 700 21028 4.26% 10612 318349 4.56%
13 714 21434 4.15% 694 20848 4.15% 686 20594 4.18% 9296 278868 3.99%
14 708 21247 4.11% 688 20646 4.11% 676 20286 4.11% 8803 264094 3.78%
15 710 21327 4.12% 690 20719 4.13% 675 20269 4.11% 8629 258864 3.71%
16 707 21213 4.10% 688 20655 4.12% 676 20303 4.12% 9194 275833 3.95%
17 712 21380 4.14% 690 20728 4.13% 679 20377 4.13% 9124 273731 3.92%
18 712 21366 4.13% 686 20586 4.10% 680 20405 4.14% 9947 298424 4.27%
19 711 21332 4.13% 690 20727 4.13% 677 20331 4.12% 9769 293071 4.20%
20 700 21020 4.07% 682 20463 4.08% 674 20233 4.10% 9032 270952 3.88%
21 708 21247 4.11% 689 20689 4.12% 673 20208 4.10% 9218 276535 3.96%
22 701 21038 4.07% 683 20491 4.08% 668 20055 4.07% 8689 260660 3.73%
23 709 21287 4.12% 691 20758 4.14% 672 20179 4.09% 8846 265382 3.80%

トップ 30 of 840 全URL
# Hits KBytes URL
1 253335 49.00% 4418974 63.28% /
2 213926 41.38% 471546 6.75% /FS-APL/FS-BBS/
3 7843 1.52% 77806 1.11% /okuchika/
4 7053 1.36% 24867 0.36% /podcast/rss20.xml
5 4637 0.90% 558062 7.99% /okuchika/usage_202404.html
6 4635 0.90% 550194 7.88% /okuchika/usage_202402.html
7 1038 0.20% 16551 0.24% /dvd/
8 856 0.17% 68845 0.99% /okuchika/usage_202406.html
9 830 0.16% 99728 1.43% /okuchika/usage_202405.html
10 516 0.10% 16126 0.23% /book.htm
11 429 0.08% 5126 0.07% /honoh/
12 248 0.05% 234 0.00% /toptext.css
13 231 0.04% 698 0.01% /FS-APL/FS-Form/form.cgi
14 184 0.04% 1577 0.02% /prof.htm
15 158 0.03% 4526 0.06% /magazine.htm
16 75 0.01% 26333 0.38% /podcast/yz20090721.mp3
17 67 0.01% 92 0.00% /grph/favicon.ico
18 62 0.01% 426 0.01% /action.htm
19 55 0.01% 440 0.01% /seminar.htm
20 44 0.01% 2062 0.03% /okuchika/usage_202308.html
21 37 0.01% 25 0.00% /基本01.css
22 35 0.01% 117 0.00% /okuchika/col29.html
23 28 0.01% 203 0.00% /okuchika/t8063.html
24 27 0.01% 123 0.00% /okuchika/col68.html
25 27 0.01% 197 0.00% /podcast/
26 24 0.00% 278 0.00% /okuchika/t6817.html
27 22 0.00% 583 0.01% /okuchika/t5713.html
28 20 0.00% 3952 0.06% /okuchika/col200209.htm
29 20 0.00% 135 0.00% /okuchika/col62.html
30 19 0.00% 142 0.00% /okuchika/q6855.html

トップ 10 of 840 全URL By KBytes
# Hits KBytes URL
1 253335 49.00% 4418974 63.28% /
2 4637 0.90% 558062 7.99% /okuchika/usage_202404.html
3 4635 0.90% 550194 7.88% /okuchika/usage_202402.html
4 213926 41.38% 471546 6.75% /FS-APL/FS-BBS/
5 830 0.16% 99728 1.43% /okuchika/usage_202405.html
6 7843 1.52% 77806 1.11% /okuchika/
7 856 0.17% 68845 0.99% /okuchika/usage_202406.html
8 12 0.00% 31076 0.44% /podcast/yz20090615.mp3
9 12 0.00% 29376 0.42% /podcast/yz20090512.mp3
10 12 0.00% 28732 0.41% /podcast/yz20090427.mp3

トップ 10 of 521 Total Entry Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 213926 41.38% 5330 55.53% /FS-APL/FS-BBS/
2 253335 49.00% 740 7.71% /
3 516 0.10% 392 4.08% /book.htm
4 830 0.16% 173 1.80% /okuchika/usage_202405.html
5 429 0.08% 170 1.77% /honoh/
6 231 0.04% 161 1.68% /FS-APL/FS-Form/form.cgi
7 1038 0.20% 110 1.15% /dvd/
8 7843 1.52% 106 1.10% /okuchika/
9 4635 0.90% 88 0.92% /okuchika/usage_202402.html
10 158 0.03% 79 0.82% /magazine.htm

トップ 10 of 521 Total Exit Pages
# Hits Visits URL
1 213926 41.38% 5377 56.32% /FS-APL/FS-BBS/
2 253335 49.00% 693 7.26% /
3 1038 0.20% 462 4.84% /dvd/
4 830 0.16% 172 1.80% /okuchika/usage_202405.html
5 429 0.08% 168 1.76% /honoh/
6 231 0.04% 154 1.61% /FS-APL/FS-Form/form.cgi
7 7843 1.52% 104 1.09% /okuchika/
8 158 0.03% 76 0.80% /magazine.htm
9 4635 0.90% 57 0.60% /okuchika/usage_202402.html
10 184 0.04% 46 0.48% /prof.htm

トップ 30 of 2800 サイト
# Hits Files KBytes Visits ホスト名
1 252243 48.79% 252243 50.27% 4400951 63.02% 3 0.03%
2 8210 1.59% 8210 1.64% 655683 9.39% 124 1.28%
3 7721 1.49% 7721 1.54% 76684 1.10% 4 0.04%
4 6052 1.17% 6001 1.20% 13703 0.20% 110 1.13% 195.bl.bot.semrush.com
5 5956 1.15% 5902 1.18% 13782 0.20% 107 1.10% 199.bl.bot.semrush.com
6 5873 1.14% 5810 1.16% 13612 0.19% 96 0.99% 198.bl.bot.semrush.com
7 5773 1.12% 5719 1.14% 12959 0.19% 109 1.12% 200.bl.bot.semrush.com
8 5743 1.11% 5678 1.13% 13245 0.19% 116 1.19% 202.bl.bot.semrush.com
9 5651 1.09% 5591 1.11% 12988 0.19% 126 1.30% 18.bl.bot.semrush.com
10 5648 1.09% 5648 1.13% 451295 6.46% 4 0.04%
11 5623 1.09% 5558 1.11% 12701 0.18% 136 1.40% 193.bl.bot.semrush.com
12 5597 1.08% 5537 1.10% 12853 0.18% 129 1.33% 203.bl.bot.semrush.com
13 5569 1.08% 5515 1.10% 13101 0.19% 136 1.40% 19.bl.bot.semrush.com
14 5552 1.07% 5496 1.10% 12692 0.18% 134 1.38% 212.bl.bot.semrush.com
15 5519 1.07% 5468 1.09% 12820 0.18% 147 1.51% 197.bl.bot.semrush.com
16 5504 1.06% 5449 1.09% 12621 0.18% 125 1.29% 201.bl.bot.semrush.com
17 5482 1.06% 5428 1.08% 12814 0.18% 131 1.35% 194.bl.bot.semrush.com
18 5473 1.06% 5425 1.08% 12859 0.18% 134 1.38% 196.bl.bot.semrush.com
19 5472 1.06% 5420 1.08% 12429 0.18% 123 1.27% 17.bl.bot.semrush.com
20 5457 1.06% 5400 1.08% 12653 0.18% 126 1.30% 211.bl.bot.semrush.com
21 5410 1.05% 5357 1.07% 12604 0.18% 137 1.41% 4.bl.bot.semrush.com
22 5402 1.04% 5345 1.07% 12228 0.18% 142 1.46% 10.bl.bot.semrush.com
23 5394 1.04% 5342 1.06% 12300 0.18% 138 1.42% 207.bl.bot.semrush.com
24 5386 1.04% 5333 1.06% 12127 0.17% 129 1.33% 208.bl.bot.semrush.com
25 5380 1.04% 5324 1.06% 12380 0.18% 149 1.53% 7.bl.bot.semrush.com
26 5359 1.04% 5317 1.06% 12118 0.17% 140 1.44% 205.bl.bot.semrush.com
27 5355 1.04% 5298 1.06% 12432 0.18% 144 1.48% 5.bl.bot.semrush.com
28 5348 1.03% 5302 1.06% 12247 0.18% 138 1.42% 209.bl.bot.semrush.com
29 5348 1.03% 5305 1.06% 12037 0.17% 126 1.30% 6.bl.bot.semrush.com
30 5343 1.03% 5296 1.06% 12350 0.18% 135 1.39% 8.bl.bot.semrush.com

トップ 10 of 2800 サイト By KBytes
# Hits Files KBytes Visits ホスト名
1 252243 48.79% 252243 50.27% 4400951 63.02% 3 0.03%
2 8210 1.59% 8210 1.64% 655683 9.39% 124 1.28%
3 5648 1.09% 5648 1.13% 451295 6.46% 4 0.04%
4 66 0.01% 66 0.01% 78736 1.13% 0 0.00% ec2-54-212-129-55.us-west-2.compute.amazonaws.com
5 7721 1.49% 7721 1.54% 76684 1.10% 4 0.04%
6 315 0.06% 173 0.03% 70603 1.01% 117 1.20%
7 660 0.13% 660 0.13% 59939 0.86% 3 0.03% static.
8 437 0.08% 437 0.09% 52524 0.75% 32 0.33%
9 120 0.02% 120 0.02% 23262 0.33% 1 0.01%
10 6 0.00% 6 0.00% 18573 0.27% 0 0.00%

トップ 30 of 133 リファラー
# Hits リファラー
1 237585 45.95% - (Direct Request)
2 48439 9.37% https://rukorobka.ru/
3 48426 9.37% https://apesok.ru/
4 48401 9.36% https://smm-1.ru/
5 48395 9.36% https://bytovkistart.ru/
6 48171 9.32% https://xn--b1aap1a7d.xn--80adxhks/
7 13858 2.68% https://vslgaz.ru
8 7736 1.50% https://kitehurghada.ru
9 2085 0.40% https://fd0.ru/
10 2084 0.40% https://gb7.ru/
11 2084 0.40% https://ks8.ru/
12 2082 0.40% https://px6.ru/
13 2076 0.40% https://vx8.ru/
14 984 0.19% http://www.iforum.jp/dvd/
15 914 0.18% http://www.iforum.jp/
16 648 0.13% https://familyicon.ru
17 628 0.12% https://okaland.ru/
18 497 0.10% http://www.iforum.jp/book.htm
19 398 0.08% http://www.iforum.jp/honoh/
20 263 0.05% https://yandex-google-seo.ru/
21 248 0.05% https://www.iforum.jp/
22 147 0.03% https://batmanapollo.ru/
23 74 0.01% http://www.iforum.jp/index.html
24 66 0.01% https://www.iforum.jp/magazine.htm
25 60 0.01% https://doorway5.ru/
26 58 0.01% http://www.iforum.jp/prof.htm
27 50 0.01% https://doorway5.ru
28 42 0.01% http://www.iforum.jp/action.htm
29 42 0.01% http://www.iforum.jp/magazine.htm
30 34 0.01% https://www.iforum.jp/honoh/

トップ 8 of 8 Total Search Strings
# Hits 検索文字列
1 11 37.93% https://smegabat.ru/p=139
2 5 17.24% https://fas.st/ta_keherid=latgbyerp
3 4 13.79% https://smegabat.ru/p=180
4 4 13.79% https://smegabat.ru/p=74
5 2 6.90% https://smegabat.ru/p=159
6 1 3.45% http://www.iforum.jp/okuchika/t6761.html
7 1 3.45% http://www.iforum.jp/okuchika/t6817.html
8 1 3.45% https://smegabat.ru/p=184

トップ 15 of 1259 ユーザエージェント
# Hits ユーザエージェント
1 211726 40.95% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SemrushBot/7~bl; +http://www.semrush.com/bot.html)
2 10107 1.95% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; Googlebot/2.1; +http://www.google.com/bot.html)
3 2935 0.57% Go-http-client/1.1
4 2237 0.43% iTMS
5 1689 0.33% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
6 1663 0.32% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.66 Safari/537.36
7 1582 0.31% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.3; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.53 Safari/537.36
8 1573 0.30% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
9 936 0.18% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/99.0.4844.51 Safari/537.36
10 862 0.17% Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; AhrefsBot/7.0; +http://ahrefs.com/robot/)
11 853 0.16% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.53 Safari/537.36
12 848 0.16% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/87.0.4280.141 Safari/537.36 OPR/73.0.
13 831 0.16% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/85.0.4183.121 Safari/537.36 OPR/71.0.
14 823 0.16% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/103.0.5060.66 Safari/537.36
15 822 0.16% Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36

Usage by Country for June 2024

トップ 26 of 26 国
# Hits Files KBytes
1 282585 54.66% 281401 56.08% 6006060 86.00% Unresolved/Unknown
2 227794 44.06% 215590 42.97% 711563 10.19% Commercial (com)
3 1673 0.32% 721 0.14% 60634 0.87% Germany
4 1337 0.26% 1337 0.27% 24650 0.35% Russian Federation
5 1281 0.25% 1280 0.26% 34286 0.49% China
6 779 0.15% 594 0.12% 13603 0.19% Japan
7 764 0.15% 661 0.13% 123718 1.77% Network (net)
8 522 0.10% 151 0.03% 2887 0.04% European Union
9 68 0.01% 50 0.01% 3721 0.05% Czech Republic
10 63 0.01% 63 0.01% 466 0.01% Micronesia
11 32 0.01% 21 0.00% 244 0.00% British Indian Ocean Territory
12 30 0.01% 0 0.00% 0 0.00% Generic Mobile TLD (mobi)
13 27 0.01% 27 0.01% 200 0.00% United Kingdom
14 24 0.00% 24 0.00% 188 0.00% United States
15 14 0.00% 10 0.00% 182 0.00% Non-Profit (org)
16 11 0.00% 11 0.00% 226 0.00% Austria
17 8 0.00% 8 0.00% 580 0.01% Belarus
18 5 0.00% 5 0.00% 99 0.00% Netherlands
19 4 0.00% 4 0.00% 95 0.00% Ascension Island
20 4 0.00% 1 0.00% 4 0.00% Ukraine
21 3 0.00% 3 0.00% 63 0.00% Romania
22 2 0.00% 2 0.00% 47 0.00% Tanzania
23 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 121 0.00% Cocos (Keeling) Islands
24 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 17 0.00% Niger
25 1 0.00% 1 0.00% 7 0.00% Norway
26 1 0.00% 0 0.00% 1 0.00% Poland

Generated by Webalizer Version 2.23